Thursday 20 November 2014

New Toy!

Hey guys and girls! Sorry it has been an extremely long time since I last did a post but this time I am hoping to do at least one post at week, keeping you updated with the world as well as just general life sorts of topics.

Today as I was browsing through Facebook, I found a wonderful article from Buzzfeed that I would like to share with you all.

So basically this article has made me one very happy lady as I'm not the tiniest of people, and am totally thrilled with this new Barbie doll they have made for children of today. It is a doll which is more relatable to as it's body proportions are definitely more accurate than tiny waist lines, that in reality no-one fully looks like that.

I feel so strongly that this is the step in the right direction that is needed! Finally something for children that is more like what people in today's society are like.


N x

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