Monday 10 August 2015

New Things!

Hey y'all! I know, I know.... Long, long, long time since we have last met on here and I am very sorry for this! I have had so much happen since I last logged on. The main one being I decided that it was best for me to leave one university and start at a new one, extremely exciting! 

I was thinking that because of all my change going on currently, I might as well try something new and out of my comfort zone. I was thinking a way to do this would be to start vlogging on youtube at some stage about different things and on a weekly basis... This could be about the latest fashion trends, how to do things ECT. I have wanted to do this for a wee while now, but wasn't too sure what people would think... But then I got to thinking, who cares?!

Anyway, a wee quote for your thoughts... 

Toodles for now, 

Nicole xox 

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