Tuesday 1 July 2014

A Slim Down

Hey there! 

The last post I did, was too long ago.. Oops! Sorry about that one.. 

So, the previous post I did was relating to dieting and loosing some weight. I won't fib to you, it became a stressful time so I cut off from it until about May.

This time it has gone a lot better, in a way, I was waiting for something to go really wrong!

I have used Juice Plus and Your Tea (Tiny Tea) during this time. I have been eating as healthy as possible, but as everyone does there's always that day of binging when the day has been awful!

I managed to stick it out and in fact, through using these products, healthy food and exercise I have lost around 3.5 stone to 4 stone in two months!

Chuffed is an understatement! 

I am so glad that I have managed to stick this out- maybe if I did some more of exercise and used my DVDs I could maintain it which would be fantastic as I am now classed under the BMI standards as healthy.. I was classed as overweight for some time.

The photos above show me from September last year to June this year. The weight has finally shifted and I am glad that a difference is noticeable... I finally feel more happy and confident in myself & glad I took the steps to make a change!

I will be attempting to do a post most days (if I can)!

Toodles for now,

N x

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