Friday, 19 December 2014

Quote of the Day

It's Friday! Weird to think that this time next week it'll be Boxing Day! Where has this year gone?!

Anyway, WEEKEND TIME. :)

Means one thing right? Extra hours in bed!


N x

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Quote of the Day

Sorry today's is so late! Been quite busy this weekend..

Ended up celebrating the day I was born for some bizarre reason!


N x

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Quote of the Day

Right now I'm having to finish off an assignment and I'm not feeling too positive about it, so I feel this is appropriate! 


N x

Friday, 5 December 2014

Quote of the Day

It's Friday again! I love that Friday feeling, especially when the semester is coming to a close at the end of next week- HAPPY DAYS! 


N x

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Friday, 28 November 2014

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Quote of the Day

Be positive. Be strong. Believe in what you want to achieve. 


N x

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Quote of the Day

Today I realised (after my mam pointed it out first) I am actually happy and enjoying my course this year. I have done so much work, and always seem to be working in the evenings... Although, this is at the expense of I hardly give myself any me time. Well, unless food is involved then I've always got time for that!

Just keep happy my dears, keep going no matter what things may get in your way- you choose your own path and I think it's awesome!


N x

Friday, 21 November 2014

Quote of the Day

Hey everyone! Here's Fridays quote...

The weekend is upon on us, so don't forget to have some down time to yourself- you deserve it my friend!


N x

Thursday, 20 November 2014

New Toy!

Hey guys and girls! Sorry it has been an extremely long time since I last did a post but this time I am hoping to do at least one post at week, keeping you updated with the world as well as just general life sorts of topics.

Today as I was browsing through Facebook, I found a wonderful article from Buzzfeed that I would like to share with you all.

So basically this article has made me one very happy lady as I'm not the tiniest of people, and am totally thrilled with this new Barbie doll they have made for children of today. It is a doll which is more relatable to as it's body proportions are definitely more accurate than tiny waist lines, that in reality no-one fully looks like that.

I feel so strongly that this is the step in the right direction that is needed! Finally something for children that is more like what people in today's society are like.


N x

Monday, 14 July 2014

Quote of the Day

Sorry I haven't posted in the past week! I haven't had a super busy week, however: I have managed to get addicted to reading again which has stopped me doing loads of other things! I am loving the Divergent series.. In just less than a week I am almost finished!

It's been too long since I've read that much in that space of time... I'm feeling quite achieved right now.

Anyway; here's my quote for today! It is from the series, yes, but...

You would have to be mad to disagree with it!


N x

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Quote of the Day

I couldn't agree more with this! There will always be problems to face in life, but just try to keep happy through the most part, it really does help.

Go with a spring in your step and a smile on your face- its the best way to show people that they can't get to you. (Deep down it does, but allow them to think otherwise- best form of a weapon possible!)


N x

Friday, 4 July 2014

Quote of the Day

Always remember who is true to you. Sometimes people are only there when things are going great and never there through the worst.

Keep those that are supportive and caring towards you through it all, thick and thin. They are the true people you will want in your life. :) 


N x

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Quote of the Day

Life is about the stories and memories you create- negatives of life happen for a reason, don't dwell on them too much as it may spoil who you are as a person.


N x

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Quote of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence is just the biggest slice of perfection EVER created.

This woman is my idol.

I love this quote as it is reminding us all not forget about the people who have it out for you in life but to remember all those that are good in your life. (We all have them, even if we don't think we do!) 


N x

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

A Slim Down

Hey there! 

The last post I did, was too long ago.. Oops! Sorry about that one.. 

So, the previous post I did was relating to dieting and loosing some weight. I won't fib to you, it became a stressful time so I cut off from it until about May.

This time it has gone a lot better, in a way, I was waiting for something to go really wrong!

I have used Juice Plus and Your Tea (Tiny Tea) during this time. I have been eating as healthy as possible, but as everyone does there's always that day of binging when the day has been awful!

I managed to stick it out and in fact, through using these products, healthy food and exercise I have lost around 3.5 stone to 4 stone in two months!

Chuffed is an understatement! 

I am so glad that I have managed to stick this out- maybe if I did some more of exercise and used my DVDs I could maintain it which would be fantastic as I am now classed under the BMI standards as healthy.. I was classed as overweight for some time.

The photos above show me from September last year to June this year. The weight has finally shifted and I am glad that a difference is noticeable... I finally feel more happy and confident in myself & glad I took the steps to make a change!

I will be attempting to do a post most days (if I can)!

Toodles for now,

N x

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Fresh and Fabulous

The diet is doing well... I've lost a fair amount in the last 14 days.

Currently I'm back at home for the week as I have a study week before my exam next week.

As of Monday, when I return to university, I'll be on the juice diet. All I'll be consuming will be smoothies or water for a few weeks. Most weekends will end up eating normally due to those I'll be around. (Some will panic if I wasn't eating as I normally do.) 

So I bought a slendertone earlier this week. I do about 3 sessions a day at the power of 50-70.

I have already seen the difference from the 9 sessions! I feel thinner and more confident in myself.

I feel that combining the juice diet, Vicky's 7 day slim, forza raspberry k2 supplements,  and the slendertone together I'll be back to the figure I had four years ago in no time!

Keep safe & well,

Until next time xox

Friday, 10 January 2014

Diets and Health

Happy New Year to you all!

Let's face it, we all usually start off the year by saying " new year, new me ".

This year I fell a victim of this. I turned twenty last month and I have finally realised I'm not overly keen on my weight and size any longer. So I decided that this is the year I will slim down.

As you have probably noticed many celebrities have released their secrets of weight loss to the press and also in DVD form.

Personally I have bought "Vicky's 7 day slim" as well as "Forza Raspberry Ketone 2:2:1". I have only started it earlier this week. During and after the workout I can really feel it working in my muscles. I am combining it with a extra healthy diet as well as a few walks when possible. By taking this tablet at the beginning of the day and half an hour before exercise, it should naturally help burn off weight over the course of the day.

Honestly, since starting this  diet, I haven't wanted anything like chocolate. It has been filling me up until the following meal and if I require a snack, I find having some water first and then waiting for ten minutes works. If you are still hungry, try having something small and light will tie you over.

Maybe having a thinspiration will help you? If you have instagram, I find Kendall Jenner and fit girl journal are fantastic for this... I find it helps to keep me motivated. 

I'll keep you posted on how it's going every so often. Please feel free to comment below or contact me about your own personal experiences or let me know what you are trying, keeping me updated on how everything goes.

Remember, stay positive!

Toodles for now,
Nicole xox

Below is a useful link to where you can find these items if you wish to :) (forza raspberry k2 supplements) (Vicky's 7 day slim)