Thursday 5 September 2013

Quote of the Day

I'm not entirely sure what this particular quote is saying, but it does speak to me for some odd reasoning. In my personal way I feel like it is speaking out volumes to me... Telling me not to feel that people do things because of how I am but because of themselves. Just be true to you and do what you feel is right for you rather than what others want you to do.
For a long time now I have been doing things because that's how people want me to be- but I've stopped myself for a moment of thought and actually, its not who I want to be. So, I am becoming my own person and I feel so much more healthy and happy in this skin. I would like to say it's the happiest I have been able to feel for a long time.
Slowly I am finding myself and seeing who I want to be and become rather than having others telling me that I should do this that and the other. By allowing myself to become that person, it is seeming to open more opportunities for me. I have some wonderful friends, family and boyfriend who I know will support me fully with this transition in life. By receiving their full support, it gives me more confidence to go on into things and not feel afraid or alone anymore.


Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

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