Tuesday 24 September 2013

Apologising to You Wonderful Folk

Hello there all you lovely people! I apologise for the lack of posts over the last little while. I am now living and loving life in Swansea. I have been meeting new people most days and I honestly couldn't ask for lovelier hall friends.

Over the past few days we have been getting to know each other and I feel like I have settled into a new family with a fresh start.

I hope that if you have started university or a new school, job recently that you have an amazing time and that everything goes smoothly.

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Quote of the Day

Support yourself and your beliefs, don't let anyone be the villain in your life and drag you down for no apparent reason. Live how you want!

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Quote of the Day

Reach for your dreams, just remember that if you can dream it you can do it! You just need to put your heart into what you want to do.

Toodles for now,
Nicole xox 

Monday 16 September 2013

Quote of the Day

This is on my body cream which I packed the other day, and I thought it was so wonderful!

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Friday 13 September 2013

Hope It Makes You Happy!

I do have to admit that I stole this from my friend Hannah's facebook page. But how can you not laugh at this? It made me giggle so much... Power to sassy bats!

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Quote of the Day

Laugh often- it's the best medicine that you can ever receive. 

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Clothing Inspired By...

This feature hasn't been done in at least a week... So, here it is... It's back!

I have decided to focus this weeks outfit inspiration on Charlotte. She is known for her reality stardom and I always enjoy watching her, she always gives me a good giggle! She has done many series of Geordie Shore and is currently in the Celebrity Big Brother house. Personally, I would love it if she won as it really would get her more out there. I also think that it would open a door of opportunity for her. After all, she is a young reality star and is just starting out!

Red Tartan Skater Skirt
£14.99,  New Look

Tokyo Doll Black Lace Mix Crop Top
£19.99, New Look

Gold Triangle Face Chunky Sports Watch
£19.99, New Look

Red Cat Ear Bowler Hat
£14.99, New Look

Black Metal Heel Platform Court Heels
£29.99, New Look

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Quote of the Day

Please excuse the language, I tried to edit it out but unfortunately I couldn't. 

Everyone is beautiful. You're beautiful in your unique ways and people should except that and not judge others. If you're the judger just stop and think for a moment: what if that was you that had that being said about yourself? How would you feel?

EVERYONE has feelings- respect them and see them for them, nothing else. As long as there is a beautiful soul, what really matters?

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Monday 9 September 2013

Quote of the Day

Hey there! Sorry for the no posts this weekend, I've just had a weekend of relaxing and being super lazy; it's on my head for not doing the blog when I had the time to do so.

I have so much time for this quote! I feel like this quite often recently, and thankfully I have had the major support from my loving boyfriend as well as my good friends around me.

Just remember, you don't have to be happy and strong all the time- sometimes it is healthy to breakdown and release all the feelings that have been building up inside of you... Having a support group (friends, family, partner) helps so much! Just give yourself that break in life of being there for everyone and have people be there for you- everyone needs it now and again.

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Thursday 5 September 2013

Quote of the Day

I'm not entirely sure what this particular quote is saying, but it does speak to me for some odd reasoning. In my personal way I feel like it is speaking out volumes to me... Telling me not to feel that people do things because of how I am but because of themselves. Just be true to you and do what you feel is right for you rather than what others want you to do.
For a long time now I have been doing things because that's how people want me to be- but I've stopped myself for a moment of thought and actually, its not who I want to be. So, I am becoming my own person and I feel so much more healthy and happy in this skin. I would like to say it's the happiest I have been able to feel for a long time.
Slowly I am finding myself and seeing who I want to be and become rather than having others telling me that I should do this that and the other. By allowing myself to become that person, it is seeming to open more opportunities for me. I have some wonderful friends, family and boyfriend who I know will support me fully with this transition in life. By receiving their full support, it gives me more confidence to go on into things and not feel afraid or alone anymore.


Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Hope It Makes You Happy!

This is a picture that I came across on instagram. It makes me so happy! I think it is a wonderful picture and no matter how many times I look at it I can't help but chuckle to myself.

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Quote of the Day

No matter how difficult life is for you, just keep strong. Sometimes it may not feel right, but fight for what you want in life. I have to keep strong with particular situations at the moment and I feel miserable because I can't express my true feelings about it.
But I am trying to pick my feet up and stride on as well as keeping strong. Believe in yourself with making it through the issues in life. Try and confide in someone if you can: family member, friend or other half. They will support you no matter what. 

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

Monday 2 September 2013

Quote of the Day

Don't expect anything in life. Allow it to take its own toll on things. So basically what I am saying to you is- life is a ride, it's more fun to sit back and enjoy it!

Toodles for now,
Nicole xox

Sunday 1 September 2013

Quote of the Day

Don't worry about what others have to say about you... If you are happy with who you are then keep it that way. Don't let the world bring you down with it.

Toodles for now,
Nicole xox