Friday 9 August 2013

Being Who I Want to Be

Recently, I have realised the answer to the question of; does it really matter how others view me? Here's my answer; No, after all... I am unique! I can be me without having others make me feel uncomfortable, unwanted, upset or a waste of time and space. I am no longer going to have others put me in the position of feeling like this- I'm making a stand on being unique. As being unique is an amazing thing because not a single person on this planet can out do me on being me.

I've reached that point where I don't want to be around people who constantly make me feel like that, it's not right that I'm put down by others all the time. I want to be appreciated for being who I want to be. Being my own individual is how life should be led, not allowing others to dictate to you to do this, that and the other. Stand out from the crowd!

I am glad that this realisation came to me late rather than never. If I hadn't of reached this conclusion then I would still be living in complete misery and I like being a happy and bubbly person.

Be who you are, be what you want to become, approach life on your terms. And most importantly, don't ever let anyone tell you differently :)

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

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