Friday 16 August 2013

Quote of the Day

I couldn't see a fault in this quote if I sat reading it all day long! I have a vivid imagination and I feel that the muggle world can honestly disturb my peace of mind sometimes. Having my own escape into a world which is mine, waking or sleeping, is a comfort to me. Being able to have control over something which isn't really there truly helps me be calmer than anything.

I often have people ask me, do you ever get stressed out? or, are you always this happy? My honest answer to you is no. I regularly breakdown into a waterfall of tears because I struggle so much with things, things that are seen as easy and simple to others.

My mind is far too complex to even begin to try to describe to anyone. I just have to find ways of discovering how to grasp control over some of it... Escaping to my own magical land is mine.

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox

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