Sunday 11 August 2013

University Next Month: What I'm Going to Gain, What I'm Going to Miss

I'm going to miss a fair few things when I move away but then there are some things which I cannot wait to gain with the move! 


#1- Freedom to Gain
At long last I'm going to be able to lead my life as I wish. 
This is instead of having to coordinate it with my family and their plans.  

#2- I'm Going to Miss...
 This Crazy One, Matthew <3
Thankfully I will see him a fair amount still, visiting home & having visits myself.
He's my rock, my support and everything to me.. I love him tonnes :)


#3- New People to Meet
I cannot wait to meet loads of new people when I get there.
There's people I'll be living with and then those on my course... Bring it on!


#4- I'm Going to Miss...
Having a Living Room/TV
However, being able to use online catch up sites means that I may find new shows if I have the time.


#5- Going to a Fresh Start
I love the fact that I can leave where I live at the moment to go and start a new.
Prepare for my future!

#6- I'm Going to Miss...
As much as they send me up the wall, I will miss them when I'm gone. 


#7- Moving to a New City
It's going to be a big step, but it's the first required to reach my career goal.


#8- I Will Actually Miss Tewkesbury
Even though there's not an awful lot to do in Tewkesbury, it is a pretty place to be near.

#9- More Me Time to Be Had
Having some more time out to myself without being bothered by family will be a positive.
I shall be able to do things without being shouted at to do this that and the other. 


#10- I'm Going to Miss...
My Friends. 
I am especially going to miss my best friend as he's moving to Manchester for university. 
It makes me sad thinking that I'm only ever (hopefully not the case!) going to see him during the holidays back at home.

Toodles for now,
Nicole xox 

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