Wednesday 14 August 2013

Truly British Summer...

This week I've done one on things that you would expect during the winter, rather than the summer. But the weather has been so awful that it needs to be done! Here are some things to help you through the cold weather this holiday... 
It's been getting colder again, turning into a true British summer. I love snuggling up into a duvet and having cuddles... It's lovely and very therapeutic. 
#2- Hot Chocolate
I am aware that it's summer but it's become cold once again! A perfect warm up I think is a tasty hot chocolate. 

#3- Box sets 
I don't know about you, but when the weather turns cold and horrible, I love to curl up in bed or on the sofa with a blanket and just watch tonnes of films or TV box sets. I love being able to do this as there isn't really anything else to do during the horrid rain. My particular favourites for this weather is Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. (Yes, slightly nerdy but I don't mind!)

#4- Comfort food
A complete must! I love being able to just pig out in front of the TV. It makes it so much more fun just chilling out with some of my favourite foods. At the moment this is Welsh cakes and rice crispy cakes for me.

#5- Board Games
This is always just some fun in the living room with family, friends or other halves. Being able to chill out and have a little friendly competition takes away the rubbishness of the weather. Monopoly or Cluedo are some brilliant ones for hours of fun!
#6- Lazy Look
I love being able to look like a slob around the house in this weather.. Completely acceptable. Being able to have a messy bun, no makeup, large jumpers, joggers and thick socks/slippers on is just a dream. Getting away with this always keeps me happy!
#7- A Good Read
Sitting around looking like a slob and being comfortable while curling up with a good book is amazing. I love reading a classic while listening to the rain pour out on the conservatory outside my window. Bliss.
#8- Friends, Family, Other Halves
Having people round or visiting others in this weather is fun. Not bothering what you look like is a big contributor in this as you can be as lazy as you want together. Sitting watching films, having a laugh or playing games. I sound like I'm really quite old but I promise you I am 19!
#9- Den Making
Right, I sound like I'm 5 again here. But making dens is actually really a great thing to do. It helps you to forget that the weather is awful and you then have your own wee space. It's great to do this to escape the family if your stuck at home.
#10- Organising Things
Currently, I am preparing myself for moving to Swansea for university. Being able to organise everything and sort out my room in this weather is beyond perfect. I mean, who wants to do that in hot weather? I know I don't!
Toodles for now,
Nicole xox 

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