Saturday 17 August 2013

Tasty Treats!

I have decided to give the new craze a shot to see what it's all about because my life they look amazing and so good! I just feel that I have to try making these. I am of course on about the cake pops.

The only thing is you have to make a few things from scratch but you could easily use ready bought items for it. I've actually done it all from scratch as at my parents place I have the ingredients needed for this.

First: The cake.

I just made a basic sponge cake which can then be used in this. You can however go out and buy the sponge cake, you can have whatever flavour you wish to have your cake pops. I wanted a plain one so just made plain.

100g of Butter (soft)
100g of Sugar
100g of Self Raising Flour (sifted)
2 Eggs

1: Cream the butter and sugar together until its light and fluffy.
2: Add the eggs with two tea spoons of the flour.
3: Sift the rest of the flour into the mix.
4: Mix the flour in.
5: Add to the tin which is grease proofed with either grease proof paper (easiest option!) or oil.
6: Put in a pre heated oven of 180 degrees for around 25/30 minutes.
7: Leave it to completely cool off.

Secondly: The Butter Icing.

225g of Icing Sugar
100g of Butter
Dash of Vanilla Essence

1: Cream the butter with the icing sugar.
2: Add the vanilla essence. 
3: Cream it into the mix. 
4: It's ready to be used!  

Thirdly: The Cake Pop Formation.

1: Take the cake and make into fine crumbs, crumbling into the butter mix.
2: Mix in the cake crumbs into the butter mix.
3: Once the mix is fully blended in, make into small or medium sized balls.
4: Place onto a plate or baking tray and leave in the freezer for around 20 minutes.
5: Whilst the mixture is in the freezer, melt 200g of chocolate... Choose what type of chocolate you want. I used milk chocolate as that's my first chocolate preference.
6: Take the balls out of the freezer and attach lollipop sticks or cocktail sticks... Your choice.
7: Stick the stick in about half way into the ball.
8: Dip the ball into the chocolate, either part way or full submersion.
9: Pop into the fridge and leave for as long as you wish.

Now enjoy! They take a while to make but I personally feel that they were worth the wait.

Hopefully I will be able to do some more of these style posts in the future, but I'm not too sure as yet. If you have any suggestions on what I could make for this feature, I'd love to hear from you! Just whack a comment below :) 

Toodles for now,

Nicole xox 

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