Friday 30 August 2013

This Week's Love List

#1- Hot Chocolate
Nothing makes me happier than a hot chocolate at the end of the day
#2- Glitter Nail Polish
I love the pink glitter nail polish at the moment. I hate my nails being plain.. So my toes have been dosed up with pink glitter!
#3- Tropical Fruit Medley
Such a healthy yet tastful treat to have instead of a biscuit. (Truth be told, I have a biscuit with it)
#4- Celebrity Big Brother
Some of you may feel that it's sad that I watch it... However, I find it quite funny to see how they interact with each other. I have to say I despise Louie though!
#5- Denim Jackets
I love denim jackets. They look super cute especially over a summery dress!
#6- Those crazy people that are in my life
Those that know me know that I can be a calm and sensible person but quite often am one crazy lady, and they are crazy people too as I wouldn't be able to cope with those who are always sensible!
#7- Handwritten letters from your loved ones
Everything these days is done on the internet or electronically, I think that handwriting is pretty much dead these days. I would love to receive handwritten letters when I move university.
#8- Wavy Hair
Every hair style these days usually involves being dead straight, but I love the wavy look!

#9- My sister
I may deny that this was me that wrote this particular bit, but I honestly will miss her when I leave for university on her birthday. She can be a complete pain in my back side, but I'd be lost without a sibling.
#10- Wedged shoes
Comfort on a night out or you could pull them off as a day time wear too!
Toodles for now,
Nicole xox

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